While the woman was driving through the cost in Greece with her family, she had to stop the car because there was a dog lying in the middle of the road. He barely moved, which made her think that there is definitely something with that doggy.
As it turned out to learn later on, his back was broken and appeared as big bump under his skin. Plus one of his back legs was completely paralyzed due to the broken spine.
The poor thing had been living in an abandoned barn nearby completely alone and in poor health.
After that incident the woman for some unexplainable reason kept going back and visiting the sick pooch in that barn. And the dog could not be more happy any time he saw her coming by. After some visits she just got attached to him way to much to leave him there. That is why she went ahead and took the dog to a vet and a rescue organization to make the adoption official.
When it was time to go back home after the vacations came to an end, she took her bright new pet along with her.
Now days he is looking much better and is recovering every day a little bit more.