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The Worlds Oldest Cat Is 31 Years Old And Still Standing Strong

The cat that has just turned 31 actually in human years is equivalent in 141. That is quite a lot to be honest.

He has been adopted by this family after showing up repeatedly on their back yard almost 26 years ago.

He is absolutely adorable and feels like the king of the house now.

When this cutie became part of the family, they already owned a cat and they both went along quite well with one another.

After adopting him, they took the cat to a vet to check his abscess on the neck.And it was there were they found out by the vet that the cat was 5 years old at the time.

Knowing that, this year he celebrates his 31 birthday which makes him the worlds oldest cat.

Just last years he had a strong stroke, but now he is fully recovered and full of life.

And from the looks of it he feels quite young on the inside despite his age.

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