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You Probably Let Your Dog Do This All The Time, But Here’s Why You Should Be Careful

All the people that own dogs kiss their dog or let him/her kiss them back. It is part of the bond and affection the two of them create, and that is perfectly fine. Even beautiful I would say.
But kissing is one thinking and allowing your dog to lick you around your mouth is a whole other issue. I am aware that for many dog owners that is considered a normal thing but here is what you need to know.

I am not saying this just because I find it disturbing but it is not good for your health to do so. Despite the bad breath allowing your dog to lick you might transmit diseases that are bodies are not design to tolerate. While the old saying that a dogs mouth is cleaner might be true that does not mean that we should share germs with them.

A lecture about veterinary medicine showed that animal saliva can transmit bacteria like salmonella, costridium, campylobacter or E.coli to humans. All these kind of bacterias cause diseases and serious problems to our intestines.

Another ugly truth, whether we like it or not is that some of out loved canines eat feces. Besides the fact that is totally disgusting to even think about, it can give us roundworms or hookworms.

Let me make it clear that these article is to inform us about the dangers of letting our fluff balls any where near our mouth. But there is no problem when it comes to them licking out skin. When a humans skin is healthy, there is no problem if a dogs saliva comes in touch with it.

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