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Practically she was dead, but they brought her back to life…

A poor lifeless fox cub was lying half dead near a factory in Oldham, England. Since the workers had no idea what to do with the cub, they tried to stir her. The poor little baby did not move. The workers started getting worried, so they decided to call Paul McDonald, a local fox specialist, for help.  When Paul was asked for the situation he found the fox cub in he said: “Upon picking her up and seeing the condition she was in, I didn’t think she was going to survive,” McDonald told Bored Panda. But he felt so sorry for the cub, and she didn’t want to give up on it, so he decided to take her to a vet that he trusted.

The fox named RED had no visual injuries, but she was crashed. They had “had to be fed using a syringe as the poor girl couldn’t even hold her head up properly to eat.”  

She was kept at the vet for a few days in order to get all the needed medications and treatments. She was on extensive care because her conditions were critical. 

She was able to go back to Paul a few days after she received all the treatments and needed medical care. She was not healed, but at least she could walk on her own. The rest of the job belonged to Paul… 

He took great care of her. He knew exactly what did she needed after all those harsh days. First she needed some food. 

Second she needed some time to get herself together. She had a trauma, so she needs to take a deep breath, and recover emotionally. 

Next she needed some good hours of sleep and rest. Nothing heals a trauma better than food or sleep. 

“One day when I went into the unit to clean her cage she was standing upright which brought a tear to my eye as despite the improvement she was showing, there was always a bit of doubt in my mind as to whether she would ever walk again.

“Today, she is a very agile little lady and loves running around the unit with her pal Bruno, another orphaned fox cub.” Once the two cubs have recovered fully, they will be returned to the wild where they belong…

Source: Boredpanda

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