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This Puppy Will Make You Fall In Love With Husky-German Shepherd Mix Breed

This cute puppy seems to be the latest internet obsession. He is a rescue dog that simply does not know how to stay still. He is a husky german shepherd mix. We have some pretty cool photos that capture this adorable little pup in action. Give them a scroll!

In this photo here we have this sweetie trying to get water from the sink. To do so he needs to scale the counter which seems simply impossible, but he gives it a try anyways.

Now I know that look. He is hungry and if he needs to beg for food he will do it.

It sure feels good being hugged a loved once in a while.

Oh he looks so peaceful, watching this adorable pup taking a nap.

And here he is seeping water from the lake while enjoying a good walk on the outside.

Apparently he is a good swimmer too.

He does a lot of thinking for a dog!

He surely loves he’s slightly small bed. Husky German Shepherd Mix <3

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