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Ridiculously Cute Animals That Are Basically You Around Your Crush

Ridiculously Cute Animals! It is really funny how we as humans cope when we have feelings for another part. We feel nerves, become suddenly shy and words are hard to be found when they are most needed.

Scrolling through these ridiculously cute pups is like watching my self through a mirror as I get when I’m about to meet my crush or even on the same space as him.

10 Ridiculously Cute Animals That Are Basically You Around Your Crush

#1 The excitement one feels when spots him/her crush hanging around the same circles.

Sergei Supinsky / AFP / Getty Images

#2 When is date night and you overdo it with the dress and make up…

Josep Lago / AFP / Getty Images

#3 That awkward moment when you spot your ex, while hanging out with bae.

Guillaume Souvant / AFP / Getty Images

#4  The disappointment one feels after righting a whole A4 page on chat, and the only response is just ‘ok’.

Spencer Platt / Getty Images

#5 You start checking out one or two pictures from bae’s Instagram when all of a sudden, you see your self 94 weeks deep.

Lakruwan Wanniarachchi / AFP / Getty Images

#6  The random text’s you get at times from bae’s ex are the worst.

Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images

#7 Getting pissed of at something bad bae did and then when the apology comes your like hmm… should I forgive him already?

Twitter: @RachelSteiner16

#8 No one else should feel in his/her right to send heart emojis on my baes phone, got it?

David Silverman / Getty Images

#9 When 5 minutes go by and your bae hasn’t replied yet…now look how the face expression changes when he finally does.

Twitter: @PaigePardee

#10 Compliments are always welcomed….and we never get bored of hearing them!

Bruce Bennett / Getty Images

Source: BuzzFeed

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