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When two Ducklings became best buds with a Pit Bull…

When two Ducklings became best buds with a Pit Bull… Are you guys ready to find out about another adorable unlike friendship? I know you were. Well what we are going to see today is something I have never witnessed before In my life. I am going to tell you all about a beautiful friendship between two little ducklings and an adopted Pit Bull.

You might ask yourself how can a Pit Bull became friends with two ducklings, but remember we have said that animals are just unpredictable when it comes to making new friends. I am guessing they are really friends oriented, and this is what happens when two opposite animals came together…

Here is Patty Cakes Huckleberry, a 6-month-old rescue pit bull who lives in Sydney, Australia. Patty is hanging out with its favorite friends, the ducklings, named Penguin and Popinjay. 

The family has another Pit Bull who’s 3-years old. He too likes to hang out with the ducklings, but they seem to like Patty a little bit more. 

Days spent outside are the best days for all of them. They can play, enjoy the sun, and get some fresh air. 

Patty is their favorite, so they spend as much time around him as they can. As you can see the ducklings like to fool around with him, and especially play with his adorable head. 

But the feeling is mutual you guys. The dog loves the ducklings also. He hugs them, plays with them, and even naps with them. 

“So what do suggest we do with him today? Do we play hide and seek? Ok then it’s said and done let’s do this…”

Source: Buzzfeed

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