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10 Ways Your Husky Will Improve Your Quality Of Life

10 Ways Your Husky Will Improve Your Quality Of Life

As a furry pup lover, there is no doubt in my mind that having a dog brings many upsides to my life. I mean, how can I NOT live happily waking up to a smiley face and wagging tail? For those of you who do not yet have a furry friend, or who are planning on adding one to your family, you’ll be glad to hear that there are scientifically proven benefits that dogs bring to each of our lives!

  1. Dogs increase your mood dramatically!

Spending just 15-30 minutes with your dog can help you feel more calm and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Playing with your pup increases your brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, both of which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and tranquility. So the next time you’re feeling down, grab the newest toy from your BarkBox and spend some time with your pup! That wagging tail will be sure to put a smile on your face.

  1. Having a dog may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that talking to and petting your pooches are often accompanied by lower blood pressure, and that means a lowered risk for a myriad of different illnesses.

  1. Dogs protect children from skin conditions and allergies.

Children who grow up with dogs have a lower risk of developing eczema than those who have cats or no dogs at all. Yes, it’s true! In addition, children also develop fewer pet allergies if they grow up with a dog.

  1. Having a dog improves your physical wellbeing and encourages a healthy fitness routine.

Of course! Your dog requires daily exercise, and so do you! Dog owners carry the responsibility of playing with and working their dogs, so it only makes sense that dog people tend to be more active.

  1. Humans with dogs recover more quickly from illnesses.

Dog owners have a much higher rate of recovery from being sick than non-dog owners. In fact, humans with pooches who suffered from heart attacks were twice as likely to fully recover than those without!

  1. Children with dogs in their household miss less school.

Yes, it’s true. We all know that children absolutely adore pups, but research has shown that children from dog-owning families have better school attendance due to better overall health and less sickness from having a pup at home.

  1. But wait, there’s more (for your kids)!

Having dogs has actually been shown to improve a child’s self-esteem, and makes issues that cause stress easier to handle.

  1. Simply put, they are a human’s best friend.

Because of their heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing, dogs are extremely intelligent creatures with a loyalty to their humans that is unexpectedly strong. Those with dogs will know–your pups can sense human body language, emotions, and feelings, and this paves the way for an unbreakable bond.

  1. They make excellent watchdogs.

From puppyhood, dogs innately learn to watch and be aware of anything rotten coming your way. Potential burglars are put off by a barking or watching dog in the window. Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Scottish Terriers are among the top watchdog breeds, but even my fluffy American Eskimo dog is known to be great at alerting families of anything odd or suspicious!

  1. Having a husky makes YOU more awesome!

The dog-human relationship is a two-way street. We’ve heard the phrase, “Who rescued who?” and it’s certainly something to consider. Dogs have proven that they improve our physical and mental health, as well as the health of those around us.

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