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If you are an adventurous person, then one of these 10 breeds is the one for you…

If you love adventures, but you don’t have a friend/companion that would love to go on crazy trips or do any sort of crazy activities with you, then you should consider adopting one of the following dog breeds. I have listed here 10 as they are considered the most adventurous dog breeds in the world. I hope you find your adventurous soul-mate after this, and if you do, then you will never need another person to make you company. I mean who needs a friend when you can have your dog right?

#1- Border collie: 

The border collie is well-known for its high endurance, off-the-charts intelligence (the “Mensa” of breeds) and supreme agility. 

#2- Bernese Mountain Dogs: 

It has been considered as an outdoor dog at heart, it has a hearty stamina that can endure long distance hikes, especially in winter climates.

#3- Siberian Husky: 

Anything adventurous attracts this dog breed. They are really good in cold climates, and they have the energy that never ends.

#4- Australian Shepherds: 

This dog is high energy and it has good outstanding endurance combined with its intelligence and agility. But that is not it, these dogs are loyal and more than happy to explore the world.

#5- German Shepherd Shorthaired Pointers: 

Lovable, loyal, in love with any sort of adventure, and a great outdoor dog. 

#6- Golden Retrievers: 

This is one of the most loved dog breeds in the world. These dogs are playful, intelligent, adventurous, and great loyal loving companions. 
#7- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever: 

It is not as well-known as the other retrievers, but it has almost the same qualities and characteristics that other Retrievers already have. It is only shorter and lighter in weight. 

#8- Portuguese water dog: 

For all of you who already don’t know this breed let me just mention a few qualities and you judge yourself: it is a great match for all those who prefer to sail, kayak or go rafting. Furthermore it  is an athletic, intelligent dog breed. 

#9- Rhodesian Ridgebacks: 

This African breed is really good at hiking in hot temperatures and desert climates. 

#10- Saluki: 

This Egyptian dog is great for hiking, running, and going long distances. 

Source: Petinsurance

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