Husky thinks he’s the boss in the family no matter what you do. While all human attention is focused on the virus and our new way of life, there is also the internet. It is our window of knowledge, information and entertainment. This platform in collaboration and with our help, brought to you a fun article starring husky dogs.
Husky, this playful dog which was made possible by the Eskimos, is still present today in our families. This race will have been present in many situations throughout human history. The past does not matter because today this dog lives like a boss.
In conclusion these photos prove what I just said.
Husky Thinks He’s The Boss.
#1 Your husky will always follow you in the bathroom

#2 What’s yours it’s also his

#3 His style is better than yours

- They also have more clothes than you do

#4 You are using his bed, Lol

#5 He is the favorite baby of the house

#6 Sometimes you throw and fetch the ball, because your Husky is the boss.

#7 The house is own by them

#8 They get more Christmas presents than your spouse

#9 Your fur baby plan your weekends

#10 They eat first