Dogs are amazing pets and they light up your entire house if you have one. They are loyal to you and they love to get your attention. So, if you are looking to have a new pet dog and are confused about which breed to choose then we have here a breed which is a champion at expressing emotions. We are talking about Huskies! They are funny and extremely adorable. You just can’t help yourself from loving them every time you look at them.
Check out these hilarious pictures of Huskies in their true colours:
#1 What? No meat for lunch!
#2 Jealous of my looks? Well, there is nothing I can do to cheer you up!
#3 Can we go little fast, I am hungry!
#4 Don’t touch me! Get up and give me food!
#5 Am I the cutest!
#6 They are my babies!
#7 It was a long day!
#8 Hey human, I am trying to have a conversation!

#9 Take me also, please!