This cruelness has taken action in India. A vet student that was using the dog for practice, amputated his rear paws. The poor pup was found hiding under a bush by a British tourist. The pup was just over a year old. Lucky the tourist took the pup to a shelter where a vet examined his legs.
After the examination the vet said that the clean amputation of the pups paws was done a student studying to become a veterinarian. While staying at the shelter the pup started to heal. At first the British tourist has no intention of keeping the dog. Unfortunately after three weeks passed the dogs condition got worse.
Seeing his condition the tourist took the pup home and nourished him by himself until the pup started to regain his strength. Now that he has had the pup living with him, he can no longer leave him there in those conditions. The tourist is trying to gather the required money to fly the dog back in the United Kingdom with him.
He has even thought on getting a wheelchair for the pup, to help him get around more easily.