Good dogs showing affection is a small piece of what they are capable to give to the world. When we talk about animals we must always remember the sincere love they give in every moment of their lives.
Animals must be protected at all costs because their importance to our planet is imperative. Like any other constituent element of the earth, they have their role in society. This is a role that has recently been replaced by love and kindness. I am talking specifically about dogs, who do not cease to amaze us.
There is a reason why dogs are considered man’s best friend. Our four-legged friends are fantastic listeners and at the same time our biggest supporters for the decisions we make. You can not help but love these divine beings.
As if these were not enough, dogs have extraordinary cooperative abilities. As we have said in previous articles, dogs are able to sense danger, natural disasters or certain diseases. Today, we will show once again how lucky we are to share a living with them.
They, as you will see, are our guardian angels. Always ready to warn us of possible dangers. Any moment ready to serve in helping the family. How can you not love dogs? It’s impossible. If you have a dog you are lucky because you have experienced true love.
Here are 25 pics of good dogs showing affection.
#1 A stray dog that helped kindergartners cross the road got a dog house and an appreciation star

#2 Our precious little ones

#3 A pelican befriended a stray dog who was often spotted hanging out all alone along the boat docks. The man who photographed this has adopted him but brings him back every day to see his friend, Petey the Pelican.

#4 New member in the family

#5 Because sharing is caring

#6 Sleeping with my inseparable friend

#7 A wolf exchanging love with a deer he encountered in the forest

#8 DOGS MOTTO: I’ll be waiting you

#9 Lovely

#10 Bless him

#11 Everyone is safe thanks to Leonard

#12 Be close to your loved ones when they need you the most

#13 Supervisor dog

#14 Love is love no matter what you are

#15 Best friends

#16 He donated blood to save another pup. I’m crazy about dogs, look how happy he is

#17 My hero.
Italian Coast Guard dog getting ready to jump into the ocean to rescue a person

#18 Team effort

#19 While others pet fight, mine are in love with each other

#20 Rescue number 2 giving rescue number 3 some reassurance her first week here… (also, I think teaching her to sit just right for double treats).

#21 Saved the dog on the left from a kill shelter. Brought her home to our dog on the right who was rescued from a dogfighting ring. He is NOT good with other dogs. Within an hour this is them

#22 Her majesty and her royal guards

#23 My pets are best friends

#24 My dog showing love, while I’m recovering from knee surgery

#25 This is how huskies show affection