10 Human Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs Too

I was surprised to learn that even dogs suffer from some kind of allergies just like humans do. Some breeds can be more prone to specific allergies than others.  Poor babies, for some of them spring time might not be the best.

10 Human Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs

#1 Airborne pollens- it can be caused from the trees, grass, flowers, weeds etc. What does, is that causes allergy symptoms such as itchiness or even inflamed skin. The most affected areas are the skin, paws and ears.

Airborne pollens - allergies on dogs

#2 Mold spores- this one is known for the skin irritation that causes and is commonly seen on dogs. To avoid this kind of discomfort, you can check every where in the house for signs of mold growth and if you find any to clean it immediately. Also make sure to clean the air conditioner filters.

Mold spores - dogs allergy

#3 Animal or human dander- well apparently dogs can be allergic to humans as well as humans are allergic to dogs. I believe you are surprised by this fact. If your dog is allergic to dander he will show signs such as inflamed or itchy skin, runny nose, and might also sneeze here and there. This can be treated with oral drops or allergy shots at the vet.

Animal and human dander

#4 Feathers- If your dog is allergic and you are struggling to find the cause, do not skip feathers. You might have a pillow with feathers or it can be also found in down comforters causing allergies on your dog without anyone knowing why.


#5 Cigarette smoke- Dogs can experience allergy symptoms such as itchy, inflamed skin  from the second hand smoking or residual toxins left on unwashed hands. So make sure to smoke far way from your pup if you care about him that much and also wash the hands thoroughly after.

husky Cigarette smoke

#6 Specific food ingredients- Widely known as food allergies, can show up at any age and cause stomach upset, vomit, diarrhea, itchy skin or even chronic ear infections.

#7 Prescription drugs- allergies from medicine usually cause swollen face, hives and itchiness. It can come from anesthetic drugs, vaccines, antibiotics etc.

Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs Too
Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs

#8 Perfume- dogs can be very sensitive to perfume fragrances or other products that are similar in  content like air fresheners.

Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs - Perfume

#9 Cleaning products- If your dog shows any allergy sign while you are using any kind of cleaning product than he probably is allergic to them. To facilitate the symptoms a little you can try and switch to powdered ones. This at least avoids chemicals getting in the air.

Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs

#10 Fabrics- This is a rare one but it can happen. If he has irritated skin may the fabric softeners are to blame.

Allergies That Surprisingly Affect Dogs