The story of this girl and her dog saving a goat that had just given birth is so cute and will definitely touch your hearts. The girl is just 11 years old and already has done an act of heroism by saving to lives.

The girl lives in a small village with her family at their animal farm. She along with her big dog are goatherds. Their job is to protect and direct the herd of animals. A winter day, as she was herding the sheep, one of her daily activities, she saw one of the goats was in labor.

Because of the low temperatures the hill was covered in snow, and the girl feared she goat and her newborn baby would be strong enough to make it back to the farm on their own. After giving it a thought she found the perfect solution.

First she went ahead with the rest of the herd and directed them back to the farm. Once she made sure they were safe and sound, she ran inside, grabbed to backpacks and went back on the hill along with the dog. And so the backpacks served to hold the goat and the baby. The girl carried the new mamma on her back and the baby was carried by the dog. Clever girl indeed!

And so they returned safely back in the farm. Lucky the goat and the baby are in perfect health condition. Her older brother was the one that captured them to have her sister’s kind act documented somehow.

The trip was quite exhausting due to the snow. It was very thick making it harder for them to lead the road.

Once the photos were posted on the internet they went viral. There were people from all over the world praising the girl, admiring her act of kindness and her love for the animals.

Source BoredPanda