When you find out the reason why all these rescued siblings reunite every year, your heart will melt…

It all started two years ago when a pregnant with a liter golden furred dog arrived in a shelter. Fortunately the pregnant mama-to-be and all her little puppies got adopted into loving homes. The good news is that all the pet-parents decided to stay in touch with one another. Somehow these people knew that they were related because they adopted sibling puppies. So they decided to reunited each year to celebrate the puppies birthdays. In the pictures below you will see how the mother of the puppies, Sophie, and all her children celebrate their yearly reunion. They are all such happy puppies, and surely too adorable to handle.

Reddit user skydart (actress/model/producer Chloe Dykstra) adopted Laika, and posted pictures of this year’s annual bash. “It’s the best day of my year,” says Chloe on Imgur.
