You have never seen 7 dogs eat like this before…

Have you ever had a bunch of puppies in your house for a little while? If so can you remember how they got along with one another? Most specifically, can you recall how they used to eat their meals together? The reason I am asking all these questions is because of a video I will share with you. In the following, really unique video, you will see seven puppies eating their dinner like no other puppies. These seven Doberman puppies for a pinwheel while they eat their dinner.
When I read the title of the article in which this video was posted, I was wondering how could the dogs “create a pinwheel while eating, but hey anything can happen! Once you get to see the video, you will understand yourself that anything can happen in their weird little world. I don’t know whether that is like a “home tradition” for the puppies, but I must say that they all get along with it like as if it was something totally usual. Pretty much this is how the “gang” looks like while doing their pinwheel…

Watch the full video to see for yourself how does that all happens. When and how does it starts, how long does it lasts, and how does it stops if it ever does. And after watching the video, you think that this video is really adorable and special to watch, then go ahead and share it with your loved ones…