Dogs who just don’t understand fences prove that our life is more beautiful with them. We all have to admit that dogs can be a little bit too silly sometimes. They can’t really understand what is going on around them, so intend of paying attention, they prefer to use their own judgement. I am saying this based on the following pictures.
The pictures have captured different dog breeds that have no idea what does FENCE means. I can’t really tell wether they are scared of them, or they just decide to ignore fences all the way. Since I can’t decide on my own, I am going to need your help on this.
Tell me your opinion about these following pictures. What is it really with dogs and fences?
Dogs Who Just Don’t Understand Fences:
1- Even though this little buddy is playing cool, he knows that the fence got him once again.
2- Once they got through the fence, they got to see what does “real world” mean.
3- “I just didn’t think this little thing was going to get me. For a moment I thought that I was bigger.” 🙁
4- “What is this evil thing that is stoping me from getting my ball? Can someone please help? My ball fell on the other side, and I can’t reach it from here.”
5- LOL. Are these two for real though? Can’t they see that the gate/fence is just 10 inches wide? LOL

6-” Ok Ok you keep staring at me weird human. All I am trying to do is to understand what is this thing, and what is its purpose out here. Can you help?”
7- “He looks like he could hop that fence with ease, walk over to you on 2 legs, and then proceed to beat the shit out of you.”
8- The most beautiful flower of all. I love it
9- They are so adorable and cute and funny, I love dogs
10- “This is for all the fences out there. You are not cool at all!”