Pets are not fun companions during flights but here are some Dogs On Plane Enjoying Their Flight proving the opposite. Are you one of those people how can not bare the idea of leaving your dog behind while on vacation or short trips? Me too. It is difficult to travel while pets are alone at home.
Although someone will take care of them as long as you are not present, the feeling of guilt does not go away. It is the way we human beings experience situations.
There is a way to avoid this unpleasant sensation. Travel with your dogs. They love every moment spent near you, so do not think twice but pack your bags and leave together. Maybe even your canine will experience such a beautiful experience as the following dogs.
Dogs On Plane Enjoying Their Flight
#2 This one here seems like a big fury a baby, sitting on daddies lap.
#3 Here is a big boy, flying in his own sit and all.

#4 Someone is feeling sleepy…
#5 This dog does not appreciate his luck. He has gotten a window seat and is not even looking on that direction.
#6 He sure looks thrilled to say the least for being on a plane up in the air.
#7 Oh oh this serious face must have not taken his morning coffee yet.
#8 So when does the movie start, I am waiting for the entertainment to begin.
#9 It is to dark down there…I could use a little light!
#10 So this is what first class for dogs looks like!