10 Dog Breeds That Drive Up Home Insurance Rates

Owning a dog is a big responsibility and even when you can’t determine what a dog’s breed is, strong training is the first “insurance” step to take towards protection from “vicious” or “aggressive” breeds. Some insurers will give you a bit of a break if your dog gets a “Canine Good Citizen” certificate, which can be obtained from the AKC. Here we have a list of 10 Dog Breeds That Drive Up Home Insurance Rates.

#1. Pit Bulls: Although Pit Bulls have enjoyed a resurgence as a family dog, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) examined fatal dog bites over a 20-year period and found that Pit Bulls were responsible for 32% of resulting deaths. Still, they remain the poster child — or rather, poster dog — of the aggressive breed list and likely will remain just that. Even as recently as 2012, they held the number one spot as most lethal dog, and contributed to 61% of the 38 fatal dog attacks that year.

#2. Doberman: This breed, described as aggressive and protective, was a leader of dog bites in the 1970s, but was also extremely popular during that time period, so it’s difficult to say if the large number of bites was attributed to frequency or number of Dobermans owned.

#3. Rottweiler: This dog comes complete with an impressive stature, and that big head doesn’t just hold a lot of drool. Ranked as the second most lethal dog after Pit Bulls, a Rottweiler bite packs more than 300 lbs. of pressure. That should be enough to pressure you into having the right insurance and taking the proper training measures.

#4. German Shepherd: While results are mixed on the dangerousness of this breed, your insurance company sees them as a dangerous breed. They’re known for their intelligence, loyalty, and obedience, a reason they maintain the top spot for military and police use dogs. That in itself is proof that they can be trained, and be trained well.

#5. Chow Chow: This breed, often described as stubborn, protective, and territorial, has consistently topped the list of dangerous dog bites. They’re prime examples of dogs that can have some major damage-causing teeth behind lots of fur. A study from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association revealed that out of 238 dog-bite fatalities from 1979 to 1998, this breed was responsible for eight.

#6. Huskies: As a large dog, this breed’s natural aggression tendencies can become dangerous when not trained properly by the owner.

#7. Great Danes: While not normally regarded by the general public as a dangerous dog, this breed has been responsible for several deaths. Continuously taking the number one ranking of tallest dog alive year after year, Great Danes are kind of like small, wild horses, so it’s no wonder they can do some damage if they act out.

#8. Akita: Naturally bred to be a guard dog, Akitas have a very protective nature. According to Japanese history, one of the Akita breed’s ancestors is a Matagi dog, which translates to a bear hunting dog or or hunting dog. A bear hunting dog. If you live in Montana, maybe a good choice. If you live in a townhouse in suburbia, not so much.

#9. Boxers: Although  generally considered less aggressive than most other breeds topping this list, boxers are protective by nature. That’s what generally leads to aggression in Boxers, and they’re renowned for their intelligence and loyalty, ranking No. 48 as “most intelligent dog” in psychologist Stanley Coren’s book The Intelligence of Dogs.

#10. Wolf Hybrids: When a dog and wolf mate, you get a wolf hybrid. They may look like a normal dog,  but Wolf Hybrids retain many “wild animal” characteristics. This is not a breed for a weak owner, and they need room to run and play. Things can turn bad quickly if you put a dog like this in a confined space or if you don’t teach it boundaries. Their “wild” streak is not only something that makes them unique and that you can appreciate, but it’s something that needs to be nurtured properly. ( Article Source Via Insurance Quotes )