25 Risky Mistakes Pet Owners Make

We all make our small or big mistakes, same pet owners make their mistakes with their pets, let’s see here a list with 25 mistakes that pet owners make! ( via WEB MD )

#1- Letting your dog walk you.

A poorly trained dog can pull you over while you’re out for a stroll. According to the CDC, tens of thousands of people end up in the ER every year because of pet-related falls. Many of these falls occur during walks — either when a person trips over a dog or is pulled or pushed by one. Experts say obedience training is the best way to make sure your pooch doesn’t take you down during the morning walk.  

#2- Overlooking ticks

#3- Ignoring Ringworm

If your pet has a round bald patch, ringworm could be to blame. Leave this fungus untreated, and you’re putting your family at risk. People can get ringworm from dogs or cats by touching their skin or fur. Ringworm usually causes a reddish, ring-shaped rash on the skin or bald spots if it infects the scalp. If your pet has hair loss, take him to your vet to see if it could be ringworm.

#4- Not bothering to Deworm.

Roundworms are common problem in both cats and dogs. They can cause diarrhea, vomiting and may lead to serious illnesses. People can be affected also. An infected pet can contaminate soil or sand with tiny eggs. Kids may ingest these eggs by putting dirty fingers in their mouth and they can have problems such blindness or tissue damage. So please be inform and ask visit your vet regular.

#5- Skipping Flea medicine

If you skip your pets ‘flea medicine, your family is at risk! Fleas will quickly set up shop on unthreaded pets and will fill your house with eggs and young. Flea can cause itchy sores or even bubonic plague. Please do not forget your pets ‘flea medicine once a month!

#6- Not spraying your pet

Spraying and neutering your pet reduces the risk of breast cancer in females and testicular cancer in males. Unfortunately millions of cats and dogs that live on the street die every day because of unwanted litters. Neutered males   are also likely to exhibit aggressive behavior and run away from home.

#7- Keeping the food bowl full

Usually people keep their pet’s food bowls full. This is one of the biggest mistakes that pet owners make. What happens is that their pets end up overweight. To avoid this you should follow the advices on the pet food label or ask your vet for a good eating program.

#8- Forcing cats to be vegetarian

Veterinarian people most of times want to share their lifestyle with their pet. Although cats are “obligate carnivals”, meaning that they need to eat meet to survive. Dogs can be able to handle a well-balanced vegetarian diet but still you need to ask your vet.

#9- Providing too little exercise

Like people, pets need exercise in order to be healthy. The right amount of exercise depends on your dog’s size and breed. Most of vets recommend at least half to one- hour per day.

#10- Misreading body language

We are sure that you love your pet but can you understand him? For example, some people believe that a wagging tail is a good sign but unfortunately not always. When a dog wants to threaten someone, he may hold his tail high and move it back to forth. Did you know that? A lot of people don’t and they end up bitten. In order to avoid such thing, try to learn your pet’s body language.

#11- Providing too little attention 

Just like little kids, your pet will get sad if you don’t give him any attention. If something like this is happening your dog will change behavior and he will start chewing, digging, barking, and whining. So give attention to your pet, buy him new toys, play with him and take care of him.

#12- Making you little kitties sharing a little box

Multiple cats in a little box will have elimination problems. Try to have a box for one cat because you cat will become very aggressive.

#13- Not socializing youth pets.

It is important to help your pappies or kittens socialize during their first seven weeks of life. This might mean that you need to make him trust you. Play with him, be his friend. Try to create a strong bond between you and your pet.

#14- Leaving alone your dog too long

If your dog stays alone more than 8-10 hours per day he will have behavioral problems. Most of dogs usually have separation anxiety and behaviors like chewing, soiling, digging and barking or howling and sometimes depression. Adult dogs can stay alone around 4 to 5 hours but only if he exercises before and after.

#15- Setting no rules

Some people expect their pets to know what is right to do or not to do but you have to understand that dogs need rules in order to stop jumping on your favorite sofa or on people. Reward him for his good behavior and if you need guidance you can seek a trainer promptly.

#16- Scolding pets for “Accidents”

If you come home to find your sofa destroyed, you may have to yell at your pet. But experts claim that your dog will not understand why you are yelling at him. What you can do is to praise your pet immediately when he does the right thing!

#17- Leaving young kids unsupervised.

Most of children get excited when a new pet joins the family. But this overexcitement can lead to someone getting hurt. Young kids may play too rough, pushing your dog or cat I self defense. Be sure to supervise them when are playing with your new friend.

#18- Giving Milk to cats.

Most of cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they cannot digest the sugars that are included in milk. This can cause them diarrhea. However, some cats do not have any problem with milk, they do not need it. Most of vets recommend owners to skip milk on cats.

#19- Letting your dog eat spoiled food.

Your dog may tend to rifle through the neighbor’s garbage in search of a treat but this is not healthy for him so do not let him! Usually dogs that eat garbage are at risk of getting poisoned or irritation of the pancreas. Spoiled food may conclude toxic mold, which can cause vomiting, tremors, seizures, and death.   

#20- Giving bones to your dog.

We might probably think that bones are wonderful treat for dog but the FDA warns as for several problems. Dogs that eat bones can have injuries on their teeth, tongue, or mouth. Bones can also get stuck in the digestive track, where they need surgery in order to remove it or an endoscope.

#21- Feeding dogs table Scraps.

You might want to share your food with your pet because you cannot resist when he is looking at you with his big beautiful eyes. But this can lead you dog begging in the future in every dinner that you might have alone or with people around.

#22- Feeding Cats Only Dry Food.

Cats have low thirst by nature, so they might nod drink enough in order to be hydrated. You should not feed him only dry food because you can put them at risk for urinary tract disorders. Some vets recommend canned foods, which is made mostly with water.

#23- Diving up a Cat during Pregnancy.

Most of women give up their cats during their pregnancy, but do they really have to do that? The concern is an illness called toxoplasmosis which is found in feline stool. If a woman is infected during pregnancy, her baby could be harmed. But most of people have already antibodies to protect against toxoplasmosis. The CDC advises pregnant women to keep their cats but avoiding handling cat litter.

#24- Having no Disaster Plan

If an emergency forces you to evaluate your home, what can you do with your pets? You cannot leave them behind! This is too dangerous for them. The best to do is to find pet-friendly shelters and motels ahead of time that can keep you pets during an emergency.

#25- Adopting a pet on a whim

If a friend is giving away puppies you may be tempted to bring a new pet in your home. But you should think before you decide. Pets are big and beautiful responsibility!