You Shouldn’t EVER Leave Your Puppy In A Hot Car, Even For Some Minutes

All of us have done it. We think, I won’t be more than five minutes, I just have to buy this, I have to finish that thing or whatever the reason may be. And so we decide to leave our dog inside the car, parked in the sun, until we are done. Some people will even let the window a little bit opened, supposedly to help with the air circulation when in reality it does nothing to keep the pet inside cool.

It always starts as an honest mistake but can be very harmful for the dog to be blocked on such high temperatures. Some pets become dehydrated when trapped inside and others can even experience organ failure.People have to be more responsible and understand how dangerous can be for the little guys. In some states it is even illegal to leave your pets inside hot cars.


The occasion here is a small curly breed trapped inside a BMW car. The only way to get him out apparently is to break the back window of the car. I bet that puppy is scared to death seeing from inside people throwing big rock toward him. After few failed attempts they manage to break the glass. Finally that cutie is free and very happy to be so. Hope that won’t happen again, not to him and not to any other pet.

Cracking the windows might make you feel better, but it doesn’t do anything to ensure your pet stays cool.

Cracking the windows might make you feel better, but it doesn't do anything to ensure your pet stays cool.