The Internet Is Obsessed With This Photo Of Two Dogs Kissing

Puppy lovers are obsessed with any kind of canine breed. Since we adore them so much we can not help but follow hundred pages that talk and post about dogs. If one would open my tweeter or Instagram account 80% of the home page would be filled with thousands of adorable puppy pictures.
Among thousands of them there was a post that attracted our attention. It was a picture of two dogs kissing. This was posted by the man that owns one of the dogs. While he was taking his daily walk with the dog, at one moment the dog stopped and climbed over a hedge to touch noses with another dog.


And along the photo the dogs owner had written that this was not just a one time think. This is something his dog does every day when they go walking. He has to stop and make contact with his crush on the other side of the fence.  It didn’t took long for the photo to go viral with the caption “Romeo and Juliet” on it.

And here are some of the responses the post about the love between the Husky and the Golden Retriever got.


This is an old photo of the Golden Retriever when he was just 8 months old that the owner came across after searching on his photo archive on the lap top. The two dogs have been friends since they were little. The two owners would take them to the dog park to play and love each other.

Now the Golden Retrievers family has moved away, and the duo had to give their farewell to each other. The dog is very friendly so even though he is now living in a new neighborhood he has made new friends.