These 10 Pugs are impatiently waiting for Christmas

During holidays we all want to make our pets part of the happy festive spirit. As we call them part of our family, we do the best we can to make them feel like family. If you have small children you know that for them, this is the happiest time of the year. Well if you have children and pets, then you have to make these  days memorable for both parties. What you decide to do is your own personal choice, but we all know that some Christmas outfits for pets are s very smart choice to blend the pets with the holiday sprit. If you have a dog, then you can easy wear him/her a Christmas sweater during the evening. Doing this will make you feel happier for sharing the beautiful moment with your beloved pet, and your pet will look as cute as they can ever be. The following pictures will show you 10 Pugs that are impatiently waiting for Christmas. You can use one of the following outfits on your pet too.
1- “I can’t believe it still. Next friday is Christmas mommy and I am soooo happy!”
