I can’t Believe These Two Are Best Friends! Yeaa They Really Are!

The unusual friendships between animals still continue, and this one is really lit I am telling you. We are talking about Ostris the four-year old Dutch Shepherd, and Riff Rat the three-month old rat. These two have been best friends for almost three months now. If you are wondering how does their friendship goes, here is the answer you are looking for:
“Riff Ratt really likes licking the inside of Osiris’ mouth. I’m sure you all are wondering if we’re afraid Osiris will eat Riff – NOPE! Osiris has helped foster and care for dozens of animals and he is the gentlest dog I’ve ever met,” writes their owner on the @osirisandriff Instagram. 

The following pictures will best prove the unusual friendship of these two gorgeous animals, and I gotta say that I am already in love with these two adorable creatures.

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