Before & After Being Called A Good Boy trend, started out of the blue from Reddit user ‘JavaReallySucksAs. He posted a photo of his dog with the expression written above it, and people loved it. Animal owners liked it so much, they started practicing it with their pets. Their photos are hilarious and prove the success of the challenge.
The closer to nature a person lives, the happier he will be. Nature is the home of life, where every living thing finds itself. We are all her children, so we must find balance and coexist in peace. Animals with which we surround ourselves, are called domesticated animals and they are adapted to humans. As we are adapted to live with them.
Before and after being called a good boy is the idea which revealed these happy/strange faces to the world. Animals being themselves. There is nothing purer than these faces. Are you ready to laugh and rejoice within yourself? Let’s do it.
#1 Such a funny face, she knows she’s a good girl

#2 Happiest boy. All smiles

#3 Okay, Fine, Bye

#4 I’m so proud, thank you hooman

#5 You’r a good girl

#6 I don’t care, whatever

#7 Best day ever yayyy

#8 Yes. I’m a good boy

#9 Before & after being called a good boy

#10 I knew it

#11 I love you so much, here’s a kiss for you my dear hooman

#12 Tiny and happy

#13 Hey Lola

#14 And so are you my child

#15 Oh you said A good boy, well yes I am thank you

#16 You made me very happy dear

#17 This was unexpected, I thank you

#18 She felt proud when she heard those words about herself

#19 Stop it, I’m blushing

#20 You are both a good girl and beautiful