Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets silently plead for a taste of human food

It doesn’t matter how well-trained they are, pets will always go crazy at the smell of food.

And these very funny photos show the lengths they will go to when pleading for a taste of what their owners are eating.

They may have learned not to make any noise, but the pets still find a way to get their owners’ attention if their humans are eating a meal.

From poking their heads through gaps in arms and legs to pulling hilarious faces, these pets show just how desperate they are to be fed even a morsel.

And while dogs are most likely to be caught begging for food, cats have also been caught red-handed pleading for their owners’ meals.

Owners have shared the hilarious moments when their pets have begged for food. This husky is absolutely desperate to get his paws on this fast food meal

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

Does your dog do this? Dogs will bid for their owners’ attention in surprisingly ingenious ways, including poking their heads through any sort of gap in their owners’ arms and legs

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

From his facial expression, we think this pup may be in the mood for some pizza

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

It’s not only dogs who beg for food! A cute baby decided to join two of the family’s pets in patiently waiting for the man to dish out some food

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

This man thought he was safe from being pestered when he sat cross-legged but this determined dog managed to sneak his way into the gap in between his owner’s legs

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets
Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

It’s not just dogs who silently beg for food – cats can be just as guilty too

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

This pooch has become very confused by this poster of some dog food – and wonders why he can’t tuck into the tasty-looking treats

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

You’re never alone if you have a dog! We imagine this pooch gave its owner a big shock when they looked down at dinner to see a big pair of eyes staring back at them

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

Dogs will go to any lengths to make sure their owners know they want some of their food, including seriously invading their personal space

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

Sneak attack! This handsome dog thought the tablecloth would disguise his attempts to steal a morsel of food from his owners’ meal but we can see you, pooch

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

They think they’re people! Cute dogs jumped on their owners’ dining chairs in an attempt to act as if they also needed a human meal

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

How long can you go without giving in and feeding your dog when they give you those staring puppy-dog eyes?

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets

Didn’t this pooch’s mother ever teach him that it’s rude to put your head on the table at dinner?

Owners share photos of the hilarious ways their pets
