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Adopted pit-bull, can’t stop hugging his rescuer

Adopts a Pitbull

Voluntary work can be done by all of us, in order to give society our contribution for those who are in need. We have to adopt pets and help them have a good life.

I always suggest people to volunteer in animal shelters. This way they can see the hard and yet priceless emotions you get from working with abandoned pets.

Support pet adoption, and always advise others to do so. You are saving a life when adopting a pet. As is the case of this wonderful woman. She started working at a local animal shelter, saw pets suffering from different conditions. Animal shelter needed a walking dog person, and she accepted without hesitation. Kayla Filoon knew animals were in need of love and care, and she started taking care of them. 

Russ’s arrival at the shelter left everyone shocked because of his conditions, his fur was missing, and he was starving as well.

Animal shelters give temporary protection to pets as it should be. Sad news is that weakest dogs are being selected to put in sleep. Unless we step up to rescue most of them.  Russ the pit-bull, was in the sleeping list because of his condition. He felt hopeless and frighten from everything around him, until Filoon his savior adopted him.

Until that moment she hadn’t thought of adopting a dog. It was love with first sight, they belonged to each other. “He was just sitting there calmly, staring at me,” Filoon said. “And I thought, he is adorable! I need to take him now.” First thing next morning Kayla Filoon started filing adoption papers giving Russ a forever home.

Russ’s life changed forever. Kayla adopted him and they went home.

Filoon said: “One night I’m sitting there on the chair, doing my homework, and he’s trying to find ways to cuddle with me,” That’s because he loves you for adopting him girl.

We hope this kind of stories will inspire people to adopt pets.

Help them find a forever home.

Adopt pets

Adopt pets


Adopt pets



A friend of the girl sow them and quickly snapped a photo a posted it on social media. That was all it took for the photo to go viral. It couldn’t happen any other way, seeing this kind of affection shown from a dog to his rescuers.


Source: @boredpanda

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