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10 Amazing Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs

Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs

Tattoo ideas for people who love dogs is how we want to express ourselves without speaking. The most popular forms of expressiveness through the body are tattoos.

When it comes to inking your skin with a tattoo, deciding on the best design is always a big deal. Dogs are loyal to us and our guardians.

“The famous historian, Wolfram Won Soden mentioned in his notes that dogs served as protection for dwellings and herds against enemies in ancient worlds. What is so strange is that the dogs were depicted in Mesopotamian art the same way they’re portrayed at present.The clay figurines discovered from Nineveh reveal that how this animal was imbued with its power to protect against danger.” Wild Tattoo Art.

These are two of the most prominent elements of dogs. Such factors make the difference between them and other animals. From a very young age, the dog is passionate about man, following him everywhere. It is a universal connection which started centuries ago and is getting stronger every day.

Our gratitude to them is indisputable, and we often try to express it through tattoos. For anyone who wants to make an interesting tattoo, I invite you to see the photos below.

Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs


Tattoo Ideas for People Who Love Dogs











What do you think?

Written by Erjona Dyrmo

Husky Shower

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