15 Wholesome Animal Posts Featuring Adoption Stories

Animal posts featuring adoption show once again that love is the answer to happiness. Every event in the world is related to emotions and the way they are expressed. In our case, the love that animals feel for their savior, manifests itself in an emotional way. Each post shows an animal in love and grateful to man.

Animals always give us the good energy we need so much. Their behaviors vary from one extreme to another exactly as Drake said: We go 0 to 100, real quick.

1- “I was fostering this goof when a family adopted him. The family brought him back for being “too large” so I adopted him. Welcome home, big guy.”

2- When your cat is obsessed with packaging boxes:

3- Meet Rose. It’s her 10th birthday today.

4- “Sooo… our goat had babies yesterday…”

5- Handsome boy

6- “This good boi is a blessing while in quarantine”

7- This handsome boy is all grown up

8- She gave birth to four kittens and her face while she is giving hugs to her babies is the most beautiful thing ever in the world.

9- “My senior(ish) dog can’t swim by himself anymore so I carry him while he takes a dip”

Animal Posts Featuring Adoption

10- He was skinny and sick when he was rescued.

Animal Posts Featuring Adoption

11- “He always follows me to the bathroom, today he held my hand.”

Animal Posts Featuring Adoption

12- “Their dog hasn’t eaten well since they brought their baby home – dog kept taking food into the living room and leaving it there. Someone suggested the dog might be worried the baby isn’t visibly eating, so is “feeding” the baby. They tried giving the baby a bowl of food at the same time. It worked!”

Animal Posts Featuring Adoption

13- I Told Dante He Was Adopted Once And This Was His Reaction

Animal Posts Featuring Adoption

14- Just Adopted This Doge From The Pound- I Think She’s Good Luck

15- He Had A Very Exciting Day Of Getting Adopted

Animal Posts Featuring Adoption
