These 4 adorable kittens are loving the music a street singer is playing… OMG

Cats are one of the smartest animals in the planet. They are so alert, demanding, and indifferent for most of the time, but still very cute, and versatile. Whomever has a cat knows what I am talking about. I know quite a lot about cats because I have one of these babies myself, but I guess I missed something. Never have I ever known that cats enjoy music. In the video below you will see 4 adorable kittens enjoying the music a street singer is playing. The cutest part is when they start moving their little fuzzy head to the melody.  This is what happened exactly:
When a Malaysian busker was about to call it day because not many people gathered around to hear him sing. But just when he started to sing for fun, the cutest little audience showed up to listen to him. The group of four kittens showed up to support the singer. When you will see the video you will see that they are listening very carefully to the music because looks like they are truly enjoying the music this man is playing.

“Suddenly, the kittens (3 months old) come and sit in front of him, he continued, it’s like [they] know his feeling and give him support,” the owner of the video wrote online. “The kittens be his audience till the end and he thanked the kittens for watching his performance.” The best part? At one point, the kittens started to bob their fuzzy little heads along with the beat!

Source: Boredpanda