8 Adorable puppies sleeping!

When i had my first Husky puppies a couple of years ago, I was amazed! They act like babies do! In the first few weeks all they want to do is drink milk, and sleep! As weeks passed they started playing a little around, and exploring the house. That’s the moment I started taking little silly funny pictures of them around the house! Here is what you will see in this post! Adorable puppies sleeping around the house! Enjoy!

#1- My little puppy named Balo! He was only two weeks old here. While sleeping on the couch we were constantly watching him, and adoring that little tummy!

adorable puppies

#2- Here is my other girl puppy named Mia! She was sleeping next to Ino, this guy in the picture! I found it very adorable!

Mia and Ino