Have you ever wondered what would it be like to meet your Disney Idol? Personally I have always thought that this would be impossible, due to the fact that I was born and raised in a really poor country. What about y’all? Can you recall your Disney Idols back in the day? What would you do, if you could ever meet Mickey Mouse, Figaro, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast or any other Disney character you idolized as children? Sincerely I have no idea how would I react, but I can assure you that I would never surpass the reaction of this guide dog named Ace.
As you will see in the video below, Ace got the chance to go to Disneyland for the very first time in his life. The reason Ace went to Disneyland was because he was practicing a socialization exercise. Little did he know that one of his biggest dreams was about to fulfill in the very same place he went for some practice. Luckily Ace got the chance to meet his biggest puppyhood Disney Idol, Pluto.
As soon as he sees Pluto standing right there in front of him, he couldn’t help but wag his tale, jump at him, and put a really big smile in his face. The dog lost cool because what was happening was just unbelievable. He got the chance to meet Pluto, and there was no way he could keep calm at that moment. Even though his trainer was trying to relax him, the poor thing was way too excited to behave. I got to say that this is one of my favorite videos ever. You all should watch the video, and please don’t forget to share with everyone. Ace is just to adorable to watch.
Source: Viralnova