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Why do dog owners seem crazy to other people? Here are 10 Reasons…

All dog owners seem crazy to other people at one point or another. I like to think of this situations this way: Not everyone is lucky enough to experience what life feels like when you have a dog as a companion. So if the “other people” who think dog owners are crazy, should adopt a dog, and then judge. But why do dog owners seem crazy to other people? Here are 10 reasons why we all look crazy to others…
#1- We handle our dog’s poop! 

The others think that handling dog’s poop is gross, and smelly, and nasty. But these people have to know that we don’t just touch our dogs poop with bare hands.

 We use gloves all the time people! 

dog's poop

What do you think?

Wanna know why your dog keep licking you? Here are 5 reasons:

This is what happens when a man and a Husky get in a serious argue!