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15 Rebellious Animals That Don’t Care About Humans’ Rules

Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow.jpeg

The rules are made to be broken especially by Rebellious animals. Unlike us, they rebel by pointing out that rules have no impact on their lives. A fair view considering the fact that there are no legal penalties for animals. Anyway it is very fun to see these fantastic creatures breaking human rules.

Humans might make all the rules in this world, but that doesn’t mean animals have to follow them. On the contrary, they do not follow our rules at all, but we are still in love with their behavior. You will see birds, dogs, cats, bears, etc. breaking the rules in the most fantastic way. With that said let’s enjoy this material.

Rebellious Animals

#1 This Cat Doesn’t Care What Society Thinks

Rebellious Animals

#2 Lost Dog

Rebellious Animals

#3 Because Bears Are Rebels

Rebellious Animals

#4 You can’t just make a pigeon do what you want.

Rebellious Animals

#5 Dogs do whatever they want!

Rebellious Animals


Rebellious Animals

#7 My Cat Is A Rebel

Rebellious Animals

#8 Goats are stubborn.

#9 “Don’t mind my rebellious spirit.”

#10 “I thought this was a cat feature…”

#11 “Oh, are these beds for me? Thank you, I like the drawer.”

#12 “Oh, really?”

#13 “We sent the dog outside for standing on our coffee table. This was his response.”

#14 “I’m not swimming, I’m sitting.”

#15 “Apparently my cat doesn’t like the new brand of cat food.”


What do you think?

Written by Erjona Dyrmo

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