He was so depressed when he lost his friend to cancer. That’s why its parents got him a little gift…

When you lose a dear friend, you feel like the world is crashing. It is sad thinking about all the things that you are going to miss about them, or all the funny things you used to do together. The reason I am saying all this is because a do went through a difficult loss recently, and it has not been easy on him. This Golden’s best friend ginger cat had to be put down because of thyroid cancer at the age of 15. The dog, named Forsberg, was devastated. The 10 year-old pooch was looking for his buddy everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. That is why his owner Jen Philion decided to get him a new kitty that could help him heal.
This is a picture of Forsberg and his best friend ginger cat who passed away just a little while ago. The two of them were the best of friends, and when the ginger cat was put down, Forsberg got depressed! 

best of friends