
Goodbye letter to her dog Jessie…

The letter I will share with you guys is really touching. It is really sad thinking that at some points our pets will pas away, and I don’t even wanna think about it. It is such a terrible loss that leaves the spirit truly empty, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do to change that. I want to let you know that before starting reading the goodbye letter this devastated parent has wrote for her beloved dog who passed away, you will need one of this…

Dear Jessie,

Dear Jessie,

When I first adopted you, I whispered to you “You gotta live forever, ‘kay?” Over the years when I would imagine life without you, I would say again to you “You gotta live forever, ‘kay?”

My body still wants to take you for a walk. Your leash still hangs by the door waiting for the words “wanna go outside?” It’s been raining a lot this week and I instinctively look at the clock to see if it’s near time to take you out.

Whenever I eat some crackers or chips, I look to see where you are so I can throw you some.

You were the perfect dog for me. So quiet…so calm. You never peed or chewed on anything. You barked so infrequently that you would scare yourself when you did.

You were with me through all the good times and the bad. You never judged me, even when I weighed 200 lbs and was sweating to the oldies. You always had a wag of the tail for me.

I loved how I could always trust you with any child. When you got older and a little more grey in the face, some of the neighbor kids started calling you Granny.

Even when you could no longer chew the hard kibble and you weren’t so interested in your toys, and had to be walked more often, I loved you so much.

You trusted me right up to the end. You believed me when I told you that you didn’t have to live forever and it’s OK to go.

I felt the life leave your body and you took a piece of me with you.

I love you sweet Jessie girl, and I’ll see you at the bridge. 1998 – 2016

Source: Viralnova

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