
He was saved from a fire and now he is a successful firefighter…

The puppy I am going to tell you about, is named Jake. The little puppy suffered a really unfortunate event in the past, but as I said that is all in the past. He has now moved on, and he has become a really successful firefighter. What he had to go through to be in the place he is right now was not that easy, and I want to share his experience with all you guys. This way you all understand that no matter what life throws at us, we have to keep our head up and keep going. Life is too short to complain. No Pain No Gain right?? The following pictures will describe the whole phases through which Jake had to go through since the unfortunate fire…

Little tiny Jack was a few weeks old when he got trapped in a burning shed. The poor little thing suffered burns in 75% of his body. 


What do you think?

When she brings home a tiny puppy, this is the reaction of her Great Dane… OMG

These dogs would have been sold as meat if they stayed in South Korea, but then this happened…