
Abandoned Dog Helps Save The Lives Of 10 Sick Puppies And Their Mother

This dog has truly earned his name HERO.
An abandoned dog lead animal rescuers to a mother with 10 sick puppies. This happened last Tuesday in Dallas, Texas. The pooch, who was named HERO after this, got the attention of rescuers with loud and continuous barking and led them to the pups in danger. Despite all the difficulties  and the low temperatures the whole family is now safe in a foster, Fox News reports.

“I told [Tarashevsce], ‘I bet you he’s trying to get you to follow him,'” Miller told CBS 11 News. “Every time we got closer he would go away and bark at us saying, ‘Keep coming. Keep coming my way.'”

Hero previously to this , escaped the dallas DogRRR when Tarashevsce  visited the park where he was abandoned. Many times Hero was spoted with another dog named Mona, and  was concerned when she found him alone on Tuesday.

“I had suspected that [Mona was] pregnant, so that’s why I followed him,” Tarashevsce told Fox. “I still can’t believe it, that he actually led me to the puppies. But I’m so thankful because we wouldn’t have found them otherwise.”

The staff of DogRRR told CBS 11 News they are hopeful they will find homes for the puppies once they’re nourished back to full health. For now, Hero, Mona and the 10 little pups are happy to be safe and warm.

The people that work at DogRRR are hopeful that they will find forever homes for the pups asap they are back to health. For the moment Hero,Mona and the pups are happy, safe and warm.

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