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20 Dads Who Didn’t Want Pets But Fell In Love With Them

20 Dads Who Didn’t Want Pets But Fell In Love With Them 2
Ms. Laika The Husky

Animals are the most positive beings on Earth.

They have been present in our lives for centuries.

Dads who didn’t want pets but are now in love with them because karma is our reflection.

I have never understood why dads refuse to give their consent to have a dog at home. It is a phenomenon that often happens without a strong reasoning. While their arguments are incomplete, the strangest thing happens. As soon as the animal becomes part of the family, their inseparable bond begins.

This relationship is more evident between dogs and fathers, less so with cats. Above all, the bond is created strongly regardless of the animal.

Strange but true. I still do not understand why it happens, but from personal experience I know it’s true.

My father objected to my mother for almost five years, so that the animals would not become part of the family. Here we are five years later living happily in each other’s company. But can you find who is happier than the others? Exactly. My father. He is crazy about our animals, Bella the cat is his greatest love.

While dogs, Darki, Midnight and Asia are his best friends. Their relationship is extraordinary, and any opposition he made for so many years has now been forgotten.

It’s the same with the dads in our article. See with your own eyes how this situation goes with these 20 photos listed below. Do not forget to write us your favorite Dads Who Didn’t Want Pets, and at the same time share with us your personal experiences.


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© milleepthesheep / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© AverageHuman9 / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© Cosmicbeer / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© itsmescarlett / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© Sloth_Luvs_Chunk / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© tajones1992 / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© Zoey_and_co / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© Ragnar_The-Red90 / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© abberdabbers / Reddit


Dads Who Didn't Want Pets
© atouchofcat / Reddit


we love animals
© peppy10 / Reddit


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© salpalxx / Reddit


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© GevsHD / Reddit


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© maiapupper / Reddit


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© MrPresident91 / Reddit


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© Lady_DudeBro / Reddit


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© uloaix / Reddit


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© lightsabert00thtiger / Reddit


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What do you think?

Written by Erjona Dyrmo

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