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Little Kids And Their Big Dogs, A Fairy Tale Of Modern Times

Little kids and their big dogs, is a beautiful compilation of photos brought to life by the talented Andy Seliverstoff. Photographer and author of various publications, was able to create these fantastic photos. Aa a result he highlighted the bond between kids and dogs.

While photography was his passion he decided to conduct a photo session where love prevails. As a result, the final product has been greatly liked by the general public, but also by experts.

Therefore, seeing his creative work reminded me of my childhood and my first dog. He was a big beautiful boy named Marko and our relationship lasted for many years while he still is part of my memories. To clarify, my life would have be completely different if I had not grown up next to Marco. I grew up believing in Mark’s love, in animals love.

All animals are wonderful in my opinion as they offer unconditional love. At the end of the day we need love more than anything else in life. We often think that we need material goods, of course they are important to make a better life but love keeps us alive.

20 stunning pics of little kids and their big dogs


Little Kids And Their Big Dogs


Little Kids And Their Big Dogs


Little Kids And Their Big Dogs


Little Kids And Their Big Dogs


Little Kids And Their Big Dogs


animal love


animal love


animal love


animal love


animal love


humans-dogs relationship


humans-dogs relationship


humans-dogs relationship


humans-dogs relationship


happy friends kids and dogs


happy friends kids and dogs


happy friends kids and dogs


happy friends kids and dogs


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